Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Is this real life?

I absolutely love facebook. I get to read up on what is happening in everyone’s life, who’s knobbing who, who’s single, who likes to drink way too much, and how shallow and worthless some people’s lives are.

Yes I know, I sound like such a judgemental tool right now, but don’t tell me you don’t secretly do it too. Come now, it is fun looking at those people with 1000 tagged photos of themselves at “crazy parties” getting shitfaced and having a “good time”, cause you know that the lifestyle will eventually catch up with them. Whilst some may envy the 30 year old suffering with liver problems and a rather low bank balance, most of us don’t really want that. Ok wait, I don’t think anyone wants that, that’s like saying I want to be high-fived, in the face, with a chair.

I have a hard time staying on topic. This article was meant to be about how people’s facebook lives are always so much cooler than their real live’s, and how tragic and ironic I find it to be. They create these illusions of grandeur and prosperity. Meanwhile back at the ranch, they’re working a dead end job with no future in sight and no hopes/dreams, other than getting drunk and partying. BUT instead, I go off talking about 30 year olds and liver disease. Oh yeah, heard a cool poem, it goes like this:

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

I have tourettes,


The end.

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